Friday, October 31, 2008

Only Sarah Palin has First Amendment rights!

That crazy in a sexy sorta way VP candidate thinks that the First Amendment protects her rights to say anything she wants without criticism.  Really.

She thinks that her First Amendment rights are being stripped away because the liberal media elite dare to report her attacks on the Black Liberal Muslim Communist Socialist Satanic candidate Barack Lucifer Antichrist Hussein Hitler Obama Bin Ladin.

I don't know when the last time the Church Lady from Alaska read the Constitution was--   
her thoughts on what the Vice President does were a little off--but one of the main aspects of the First Amendment is Freedom of the PRESS.  I don't know how she missed that part but I guess she must have lost it somewhere between the religion and guns things.

I guess freedom of the press only counts if you're Fox News.

Sodom and Gomorrah set to return to Earth

The latest polls show California Proposition 8 is trailing in the polls and that gay marriage is set to take over the populace in California. Floods, firestorms, earthquakes, pestilence and riots are soon to overtake the Golden (shower) State. So in other words, life will go on as normal.

Honestly, I think Prop. 8 will win though due to the Rosie Effect. People do not want to appear bigoted but once in the voting booth (or would that be closet?) they are going to tell gays to bend over and take it.

Just wait and see.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What's not important to Jesus is important to Family Research Council

I saw this dude talking on TV the other night saying he was a Christian and representing the faith. I didn't really agree with anything he was saying but I thought, "that's cool, let's see what they believe in".  I pulled up their website and checked it out and there was not ONE single issue they were promoting that Jesus ever talked about.  NOT ONE!

I thought there might be something about loving your neighbor, giving unto Caesar, selling your possessions and giving to the poor but no, most of the things were about sex whether homosexual or otherwise and others were about politics.  

In order to call yourself a Christian, shouldn't you care about the things that Jesus cared about?

Check it out.  You'll see what I'm talking about. 

Heretic Central

Christian lady tells off lying bitch.

Over in North Carolina, a couple of church ladies are running for Senate.  Well, one of them, wife of former Viagra spokesmen, Bob Dole put out an ad saying that the other Christian lady does not believe in God, like she's some kind of educated, intellectual, atheist crackpot.

Well, she ain't.  She was a Sunday School teacher and believes very much in God.  Now she had put out her own ad saying that Elizabeth Dole is going to straight to HELL and is a total lying bitch.  Or something like that.

I have always been wrong.

I think that's what it means to be a sinner.  Admitting that you've always been wrong and asking for forgiveness.  I mentioned in my last post that I thought polygamy was OK by God and OK by me but I have been corrected.  My wife tells me I am mistaken.  Polygamy is wrong.  God would never be alright with it and it displeases Him greatly.  So I stand corrected.

I asked her if she could back up her contention with Scripture and she said she couldn't and yet it doesn't really matter too much at this moment.  She has something more authoritative than the Scripture, a vagina.  And since it is the only one I have access to at this moment in time I don't want to risk never utilizing it again by arguing.

So Dear, my love, my perfect angel come to earth,  you are all the woman I will ever need.  Ours is a perfect union ordained by God.  The idea of having another wife is a foolish adolescent fantasy.  You are the most beautiful woman God ever created.

Now can I come back to bed?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Marriage between one man and one woman? Is that Biblical?

There's a Proposition on the ballot in California to define marriage as between a man and a woman.  I guess because the clause is in the singular it's supposed to mean ONE man and ONE woman.  A lot of Christian groups are supporting this amendment (and even non-Christian ones like the Mormons) mainly because they hate fags.  

However, I don't see a lot of basis in the Bible for defining marriage as between ONE man and ONE woman.  Usually, marriage in the Bible is between ONE man and several women but I don't see many Christian groups clamoring for this type of marriage amendment.  Personally, I support it.  There are not a lot of good Christian men out there. It's a shame that they are taken and their selfish wives do not want to share.  I think there should be an amendment to amend this.

Some people might say that because Paul says that a man cannot serve as a deacon who has more than one wife that it rules out polygamy in the New Testament.  I do not agree.  Because a man's duty is to his wife, a man with more than one just won't have the time or the energy to serve in the position of deacon.  Especially now, in the age of Viagra.

I don't really care too much if gays get married.  They are going to hell anyway, according to my judgmental friends.  Of course, according to the Bible so are the sexually immoral (there goes the GOP ticket and their kids), thieves, the greedy, slanderers and swindlers (there go the GOP supporters) as well as drunkards, idolaters and others.  Being gay is just one of a host of sins that send you to hell but I don't think about it as much as some other Christians because I guess I'm not tempted by it like they are.  

Having more than one wife?  Now, that's a different story.  

Bring back Biblical marriage.  

I've got a lot of love to give.

James Dobson has lost his mind! He thinks he's a nut job from the future.

The ultra right wing fanatic, Dr. James Dobson, has always been a very strident, divisive voice in the Christian community but his Focus on the Family released an imaginary letter that is one of the most idiotic things I have ever seen.  It is supposedly a letter from a Christian in 2012 about all the evils beset upon us by an Obama presidency--as if anyone could be worse than George W. Bush, great personal friend of Dobson, has been.  It lists all the terrible woes that come upon America if Obama were to be elected.  It reads like a bad high school fiction project. 

Obviously, Dr, Dobson and his ilk are not very good at determining who will or will not be a good President because they were against Bill Clinton (who was a pretty good President) and for Dubya (who has been an abject failure).  In fact, if Dr. Dobson were a prophet in the Old Testament, we would have stoned him to death a LONG time ago because he prophecies have time and again proven to be false.

I sure wish this evil doer disguised as an angel of light would go away because his actions turn more people away from the Lord than just about any single person I know of.   This letter is beyond ridiculous and John McCain should denounce it.

A world gone crazy!

We live in a world where the loudest Christian leaders preach a gospel that sounds nothing like that taught by Jesus Christ.  Nothing.

I hear them talk about the importance of family.  Jesus said if you don't hate your family, you are not worthy of him.

I hear them talk about taxes.  Jesus said give to Caesar what is Caesar's.

I hear them talk about abortion.  Jesus didn't say anything about that.

I wonder why some of these leaders even call themselves Christian because they don't seem to know that much about Jesus.

Some of the things I write may seem crazy.  I certainly hope so, at least because they thought Jesus was crazy, they thought St. Paul was crazy, they thought the Prophets were crazy.  

If I can be half as crazy as them, I'll be proud.