There's a Proposition on the ballot in California to define marriage as between a man and a woman. I guess because the clause is in the singular it's supposed to mean ONE man and ONE woman. A lot of Christian groups are supporting this amendment (and even non-Christian ones like the Mormons) mainly because they hate fags.
However, I don't see a lot of basis in the Bible for defining marriage as between ONE man and ONE woman. Usually, marriage in the Bible is between ONE man and several women but I don't see many Christian groups clamoring for this type of marriage amendment. Personally, I support it. There are not a lot of good Christian men out there. It's a shame that they are taken and their selfish wives do not want to share. I think there should be an amendment to amend this.
Some people might say that because Paul says that a man cannot serve as a deacon who has more than one wife that it rules out polygamy in the New Testament. I do not agree. Because a man's duty is to his wife, a man with more than one just won't have the time or the energy to serve in the position of deacon. Especially now, in the age of Viagra.
I don't really care too much if gays get married. They are going to hell anyway, according to my judgmental friends. Of course, according to the Bible so are the sexually immoral (there goes the GOP ticket and their kids), thieves, the greedy, slanderers and swindlers (there go the GOP supporters) as well as drunkards, idolaters and others. Being gay is just one of a host of sins that send you to hell but I don't think about it as much as some other Christians because I guess I'm not tempted by it like they are.
Having more than one wife? Now, that's a different story.
Bring back Biblical marriage.
I've got a lot of love to give.