Monday, November 3, 2008

Love is stronger than death.

I don't know what it is about homosexuals that scare fundamentalists so much.  According to Tony Perkins, head of the Family Resource Council, the MOST important issue on the ballot this week is Proposition 8 in California. It's more important than the Presidential election, he says.      Read it here.

Now, I don't what he's been doing but after the last four years but I think the Presidential election is pretty damn important.  George W. Bush has been a disaster for American and religious hacks like Perkins wholeheartedly supported him in 2000 and 2004.  Now that it looks like they'll lose their White House guest passes, they figure the Presidential election is not really that big of a deal.

I have to wonder if any of the thousands of families who lost love ones serving this country in Iraq and Afghanistan think a couple of gay caballeros shacking up and calling it marriage is the most important thing on the ballot.  I wonder if the hundreds of thousands of people put out of work this year think gay marriage is the most important thing they will voting on.  Or how about those millions of people who do not have any form of health insurance?  Do they really care about what whether homosexuals call their unions "civil union" or "marriage"?  Because that's all this issue is about: what we call it.  Both sides of this issue are wrong and it's a waste of taxpayer time and money.  It's also distracting from things that really matter.

There are life and death issues that we need to deal with on a National level and which direction this country goes in depends on this election.  But Tony Perkins, James Dobson and the rest of those who deal in religious fear mongering think that the most important thing we have to deal with is what we call it when two people of the same sex decide to love one another. It's pathetic.  

Perhaps these guys don't know that you're never going to change people through the law.  Read Romans.

You change people through love.  They need to love the gays just a little bit more.  Although if they did that, it's possible that they might just like it a little too much.  Maybe that's what's scaring them.

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